Why Joining Engineer Profession Education Program in Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University?
Supported by certified lecturers (Insinyur Profesional Madya and Insinyur Profesional Utama), and qualified senior engineers in their own field.
Full online courses
Accredited by BAN-PT
The courses include
1. Kode Etik dan Etika Profesi Insinyur (2 SKS)
2. Profesionalisme (2 SKS)
3. Keselamatan, Kesehatan dan Keamanan Kerja dan Lingkungan (2 SKS)
4. Studi Kasus (4 SKS)
5. Seminar dan Workshop (2 SKS)
6. Praktik Kerja Keinsinyuran (12 SKS) meliputi:
Filosofi Keinsinyuran di Industri
Arah Perkembangan Industri dan Status
Sistem Industri (Engineering)
Permasalahan Keinsinyuran
Tugas Mengatasi Masalah
Penulisan Praktik Keinsinyuran
Regular vs Bridging (RPL) Programs
Reguler Program
This program is designated for individuals who have worked as an engineer for less than 5 years. The program is scheduled for 2 semesters (24 credits) with online classes, FGD, and individual/group assignment included.
​Who can register?
Individuals with a bachelor degree in engineering (ST/ST Terapan), science and education in science.
For the latest two degrees, they have to enroll in a matriculation program prior the class.
All individuals who have a work experience in engineering field less than 5 years.
Tuition Fee:
10.000.000 IDR/semester
Bridging (RPL) Program
This program gives acknowledgment to the individual's engineering portfolio and direct interview. The program length is 1 semester, with 24 credits acknowledged.
Who can register?
Individuals with a bachelor degree in engineering (ST/ST Terapan)
All individuals who have a work experience in engineering field at least 5 years.
Tuition Fee:
6.000.000 IDR/semester
Registration Requirements
Bachelor diploma certificate and its transcript
Work Experience Statement Letter from the Employer
ID card
Health declaration letter
Passport photo (4x6 cm with white background)
Curriculum vitae (template can be downloaded below)
Payment receipt for registration (500,000 IDR to Bank Mandiri No. 1410013973631 an. Unika Widya Mandala)
The registration can be done on January - August (for odd semester intake) and September to January (for even semester intake)